If you haven’t noticed a new addition to the menu at the top of the page… well, it’s quite easy to miss so we don’t blame you! If you did miss it, we’re going to introduce our new website section to you here.


While many of our candidates and prospects have plenty of experience under their belt, a similarly large amount have recently graduated and are looking for the perfect first step for their post-university careers.

That’s where our new page comes in!

Right now it’ll take you through 6 potential careers and niches that might be the right fit for a graduate, and introduce them to our top advice for CVs and interviews along with linking them to the sign-up form for our job alerts. Essentially, it’s everything someone new to jobhunting and looking to break into an industry could need.

So, if you want to find your graduate career or know someone who this page might help… click the link:


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