How important is culture to the Events industry?
That was a question recently posed by Exhibition News, looking at how creating a vibrant and engaging workplace to avoid burnout and encourages productivity.
So, what were the conclusions? How exactly can you put culture at the top of the to-do list?
We liked their 3 key points:
Pay Equality
Did you know 8 out of 10 companies in the UK still have a gender pay gap? Ashley Cox from Raccoon also suggests getting rid of any differences within teams internally as well, so everyone is on an even and transparent playing field when it comes to remuneration.
Flexibility and Trust
Another big building block for building culture is trusting staff to work flexible hours to manage whatever life throws their way, from doctors appointments to gym classes, and letting people just get on with their work. The best managers trust their staff to effectively balance their workload with life’s responsibilities, and still achieve fantastic results.
Often in the events world, you’re balancing multiple events with lots of different timelines and deliverables. It can be difficult for even the most season events professional to keep 100% all of the time, let alone anyone else! Encouraging staff to make use of annual leave and take time to relax and decompress helps keep everyone happy!
That’s a quick overview of how to build a great culture in events businesses! Just a few simple tips that can be easily overlooked. At a time where candidates can be few and far between, you want to both attract the best talent and retain the superstars you already have.
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